RHC Director, Paul Clappin, and Friends of the Saugatucket Director, Bill McCusker, speak about River Herring migration in Southern Rhode Island at the Hera's Gallery series "The Green Stitch."
Tagging Herring: What Do We Hope to Learn?
(The Nature Conservancy, 2022)
TNC Closes a "Wrong Turn" for River Herring at Gilbert Stuart Museum
(The Nature Conservancy, 2021)
Friends of the Saugatucket are helping protect local waterways
(Narragansett Times, 2021)
Heavy Lift: New England UPS Driver Rescued Tons of Fish, One Net at a Time (National Geographic)
One Samaritan’s Fight to Help Save a Fish Species (Outdoor Life)
South Kingstown Fish Ladder Helps Herring Return to Spawning Grounds (Providence Journal)
RI DEM River Herring Brief (RI DEM)
Fish Ladder Repairs will Help Bring Back Herring Run to NK (South County Independent)
River Herring Restoration (University of Rhode Island)
River Herring Migration (Narrow River Preservation Association)
Save the Bay Works Toward a Sustainable Atlantic Herring Fishery (Save the Bay)
River Herring Restoration on the Annaquatucket River (RI Freshwater Fishing)